Holiday Gifts Market
Every year, The Pear hosts a mini market under the verandah in anticipation of the gift giving season. The market showcases local crafters and makers, and is an opportunity to
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and water upon which we meet. This always was & always will be Kaurna land.
Every year, The Pear hosts a mini market under the verandah in anticipation of the gift giving season. The market showcases local crafters and makers, and is an opportunity to
49 Sussex St
Alberton SA 5014
8240 3981
Open Mon-Fri • 7am – 2pm
Open Sat • 8am – 12pm
Closed Sunday & Public Holidays
67 Spring St
Queenstown SA 5014
7084 2450
Open Mon-Fri • 9am – 5pm
Open at other times upon request
Closed Public Holidays