We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and water upon which we meet. This always was & always will be Kaurna land.

Event Series JP Service

Justice of the Peace Service

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton

Neighbour and Justice of The Peace, Ian Law, holds a drop-in JP Service at The Pear each Friday morning between 8:45am - 9:45am for all your document sighting, witnessing and […]

Event Series Tai Chi

Tai Chi

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton

Neighbour and volunteer Tai Chi teacher, Carol, runs free weekly Tai Chi classes outside under the veranda at The Pear. The class kicks off for an hour at 10am each […]

Event Series Book Club

Book Club

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton

A group of avid readers meet fortnightly, over a cuppa, to discuss the ‘book of the month’! They meet twice per book, alternating between Fridays and Saturdays and a new […]

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