We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and water upon which we meet. This always was & always will be Kaurna land.

Event Series Book Club

Book Club

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton, SA, Australia

A group of avid readers meet fortnightly, over a cuppa, to discuss the ‘book of the month’! They meet twice per book, alternating between Fridays and Saturdays and a new book is selected each month. If you love reading and socialising, give the group a go! Our lovely Book Club coordinator Liz picks up the […]

Event Series Yoga in the Park

Neighbourhood Yoga

QT 67 Spring St, Queenstown, SA, Australia

If you are after some relaxation, a good stretch, and some mindfulness, why not give Yoga a go? Neighbour and Yoga teacher, Liana, runs free, hour long classes each Saturday […]

Event Series Walking Group

Walking Group

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton, SA, Australia

Each Tuesday and Thursday at 7am, a group of neighbours meet outside at The Pear and walk from Alberton to Port Adelaide and back, stopping for coffee along the way. […]

Event Series Garden Club

Neighbourhood Garden Session

QT 67 Spring St, Queenstown, SA, Australia

The Queenstown Neighbourhood Garden has been in development since July 2022, and since then a small group of local garden enthusiasts have transformed what was a vacant plot of grass […]

Event Series Coffee & Conversations

Coffee & Conversations

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton, SA, Australia

This informal coffee catch-up is open to anyone who would like to have a chat over a cuppa once a week! Proudly supported by peer-workers from Skylight Mental Health. Every […]

Event Series Woolcraft Club

Woolcraft Club

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton, SA, Australia

Each Wednesday morning at 10am, a group of neighbours meet at The Pear for a cuppa, a chat, some crochet, knitting, and other wool craft techniques. Beginners right through to […]

Event Series Bingo

Bingo (Queenstown Citizens Club)

QT 67 Spring St, Queenstown, SA, Australia

If you are a Bingo fan, then Wednesday mornings at QT are the place to be for you! The Queenstown Citizens Club host a weekly Bingo session, suitable for those […]

Event Series JP Service

Justice of The Peace

QT 67 Spring St, Queenstown, SA, Australia

Neighbour and Justice of The Peace, Ian Law, holds a drop-in JP Service at QT on Wednesday afternoons for all your document sighting, witnessing and signing needs. Make sure you […]

Event Series Walking Group

Walking Group

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton, SA, Australia

Each Tuesday and Thursday at 7am, a group of neighbours meet outside at The Pear and walk from Alberton to Port Adelaide and back, stopping for coffee along the way. […]

Event Series Quick Quiz

Quick Quiz!

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton, SA, Australia

Weekly Quick Quiz, every Thursday from 10am at The Pear. Join neighbour and quiz master, Steve, for a ‘Quick Quiz’ – an hour-long quiz loaded with trivia and FUN! It’s […]

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