Join us for a casual morning of card games at QT! Supported by the Queenstown Citizens Group, this jolly bunch play card games and are happy to teach you a new game if you haven't played before. No need to register, just rock up. Gold coin donation towards tea/coffee & biscuits appreciated
Each Tuesday and Thursday at 7am, a group of neighbours meet outside at The Pear and walk from Alberton to Port Adelaide and back, stopping for coffee along the way. The walk can be at your own pace, no need to powerwalk! Come along and enjoy the fresh air, scenery and company :) For further […]
This informal coffee catch-up is open to anyone who would like to have a chat over a cuppa once a week! Proudly supported by peer-workers from Skylight Mental Health. Every […]
Each Wednesday morning at 10am, a group of neighbours meet at The Pear for a cuppa, a chat, some crochet, knitting, and other wool craft techniques. Beginners right through to […]
Each Tuesday and Thursday at 7am, a group of neighbours meet outside at The Pear and walk from Alberton to Port Adelaide and back, stopping for coffee along the way. […]
Neighbour and Justice of The Peace, Ian Law, holds a drop-in JP Service at QT each Thursday morning from 9:30am for all your document sighting, witnessing and signing needs. Make […]
Bring along your baby, grab yourself a coffee, and connect with other local parents and their little ones at our new weekly 'Parent's & Bubs' session, starting on Thursday Feb […]
Neighbour and Justice of The Peace, Ian Law, holds a drop-in JP Service at The Pear each Friday morning between 8:45am - 9:45am for all your document sighting, witnessing and […]
Neighbour and volunteer Tai Chi teacher, Carol, runs free weekly Tai Chi classes outside under the veranda at The Pear. The class kicks off for an hour at 10am each […]
If you are after some relaxation, a good stretch, and some mindfulness, why not give Yoga a go? Neighbour and Yoga teacher, Liana, runs free, hour long classes each Saturday […]