Join Louise from Tangletwine Fibre for some Felting fun in February!
‘Learn to Felt-Needle’
Wed 12 Feb | 6.30pm – 9pm | $40 (+ $50 needle kit)
Felt-needle a sheep, bird or fairy house!
QT: 67 Spring St, Queenstown
Kit $50 to be pre-paid by Tues 28 Jan or bring your own Needle Felting kit. Check in with Louise to ensure you have correct needles etc
‘Choose your own Felting Project’
Wed 19 Feb | 6.30pm – 9pm | $40
QT: 67 Spring St, Queenstown
Beginner & intermediate friendly.
Try your hand at creating your own felting project! An idea might be a Wool & Fibre Bag, adding colour and texture with silk and a variety of fibres.
Bookings essential by contacting Louise:
M: 0413 548 770