We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and water upon which we meet. This always was & always will be Kaurna land.

Event Series Walking Group

Walking Group

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton

Each Tuesday and Thursday at 7am, a group of neighbours meet outside at The Pear and walk from Alberton to Port Adelaide and back, stopping for coffee along the way. The walk can be at your own pace, no need to powerwalk! Come along and enjoy the fresh air, scenery and company :) For further […]

Event Series Coffee & Conversations

Coffee & Conversations

The Pear 49 Sussex St, Alberton

This informal coffee catch-up is open to anyone who would like to have a chat over a cuppa once a week! Proudly supported by peer-workers from Skylight Mental Health. Every Tuesday, 10.30am at The Pear.

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